(and so do we!)
Not just one story, but billions of stories. Captured on camera. Traded between new friends. Discovered in the depths of abandoned mines. In barrels heading across the Atlantic. Even in the obituaries section. And some are so unbelievable even we can’t believe them all. Read more here.
The greatest story ever worn.
What we love most about the 501 jeans is the fact that they were made to be unisex. At least, until Levi’s created a female version, the women’s 501’s which are more adapted to a female body. We’re cool with both. But personally, my go-to pair has always been the original men’s shrink-t0-fit jeans.
Be part of history, present and future! 501 jeans are eternal, forever, never out of fashion, you can’t go wrong in a pair of those.
Check them out here.